We imagine, all hijab community collaborate. One in unity. Move and speak up together. And hope comes true. We call it #HijabersBerbagi, a social movement from hijabers to others.
Do you ever think? You really beautiful and so fabulous with your hijab collections. Stylish and gorgeous. On the other side, we have sisters that have no other hijab. They shy to go outside because only have one hijab. Mostly, their hijabs condition are dirty. Have you ever imagine it? Not all moslema have the same flexibility to change hijab and maintain their personal hygiene. For some groups, hijab is still considered a luxury item, and for have it, they need more money. Similarly with koko for orphan children, the lack of clothing they have make them forced to wear worn koko for all activities of daily living.
Just compare with your condition. How do you feel?
Now, we invite all of you to join this movement. As a personal or as community, it's up to you. All you need is, donate your hijab or koko. We don't ask you to give the new one, if you have the old one only, just give them to us. Together, let's we share our happiness. Learn more through careness. And the most important is, we move together, as one :)
You can follow this movement on Twitter with hashtag #HijabersBerbagi. We're waiting for you :)
Drop box center:
Jakarta: -Republika Office, @HijabUntuknya office, @IYS_Club, @HijabersComm, @hijabersMom
Bintaro: @HCbintaro
Bekasi: @hijabsi , @hijabersumj
Depok: @HCDepok , @GundarHijabers @HijabersUI
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